
Nice to meet you!

I live in the north of Italy, near Treviso.
With a background in the humanities and linguistics, I began my professional career in the organisation of language training services and, afterwards, for over 20 years, I held the position of HR Manager in manufacturing companies, both Italian national and international.

Continuous learning, communication in multicultural environments, and the development of the individual and their skills have always been my main areas of interest, study, and work.

At the end of my corporate career, I dedicated myself to the in-depth study of coaching. After qualifying as a Professional Coach I am a member of European Mentoring and Coaching CouncilEMCC Italy and Global - and I currently deliver coaching programmes, mainly online.

I am a person motivated by curiosity, I know the English language very well and, thanks to this, I come into contact with people all over the world to take every opportunity to share experiences and continuously learn in the field of humanities.

In my business I aim to initiate and maintain a relationship of trust, respect, commitment, clarity and fairness with all my clients, and in a reciprocal manner.



Offering support to those who want to evolve, in Partnership with me, on the path of self-knowledge and realisation of meaningful personal life and career.



I help people gain clarity from doubt and lack of confidence, with focus on personal development, growth mindset, assertive communication, self-discovery.



In my profession, I aim to initiate and maintain a reciprocal relationship with all my customers, a relationship of trust, respect, commitment, clarity and fairness.




As a Coach I partner with and support in the process that leads to evolve with action plans, from the present to the future, facilitating the achievement of the desired result (goal), starting from a need and desire for personal change and going through the progressive stages of concrete understanding, learning, and development.



- At times of transition and changes in personal and/or professional life
- To rediscover and effectively develop specific skills and initiate new problem-solving strategies.



As a Consultant I provide my knowledge and experience in the area of corporate Human Resources and, in alignment with the company values and expectations, I contribute to the design or strengthening of organisational processes with projects concerning the professional development of employees, the support of personal engagement and satisfaction, the outline of wellbeing and Welfare plans in which to reconcile different needs.



- To increase the positive outcome of organisational growth strategies with specific activities to develop employees' potential and motivation.
- During a cultural transformation of the company, with the expectation of role changes, successions, and/or generational transitions. 

Download free infographics and resources concerning the world of coaching and human resources!

For Coaching activities, I adhere to the guiding principles of the Code of Ethics

of EMCC Italy


Registered under no. 64 in the Register of Holders of theCertificate of Quality and Professional Qualification of Services according to L.4/2013


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